In order to bring the subject some meaningful context, I consider it would be useful to begin a topic by initial reviewing its value. After that I would go through some basic examples. I have to stress that there are no silly questions, anything to help a student's understanding is crucial. After I've gone through a few examples, I would love to have the student run through their own instance, talking to me as if they were the tutor and I was the tutee.
Numerous studies have revealed that trying to describe an idea you have a little while ago learned assists exceptionally in memorisation and understanding. If I'm satisfied with their teaching, I want to examine their critical thinking by giving them a problem based upon everything learned in the lesson, however with subtle modifications that call for the student to proactively involve with the work, rather than be on "autopilot".
Homework will be set on the topic discussed (nothing extra extreme), as well as further lessons will be spent answering exam-styled enquiries prior to going on to the following theme.
During lessons I 'd like to motivate a rather informal, pleasant environment. I enjoy training, and I hope students have fun in my training sessions, as well as a relaxed mind is far better at studying.